The Waiting Room . . . I went to the oncologist the other day, and I have to say (and I am sure it sounds odd) that I like waiting rooms. There were plenty of us women in there, and I always love to strike up a conversation when I am in a waiting room for anything. One of the senior ladies was talking about her extremely rare type of cancer of the appendix that is fatal in known cases. We all sort of chimed in about how, when you first learn you have any form of cancer, you are sort of taken aback because if you speak to 50 other women, they will all offer different experiences, knowledge, and their feelings about what they have been through – not just the cancer itself, but their lives before and after. But it is always good, and there is a sort of community that comes of it. It is not a pity party at all because suddenly the best comes out of each and every one. As some of you already know, I am a young 76 going on 77, and proud of it too. And I was sitting next to a lady 80...
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